Just Socks!

...or how I spent my 4th of July weekend.
Several months ago, there was a call for submissions for a new sock book. I didn't check my emails for a couple of days and, of course, MSN and Yahoo were not speaking, so the emails I didn't check were a few days late in coming to begin with, so I didn't see the call until after the deadline. Just, though. I thought a minute about the request and about the yarn I had in the house, made an x and o kind of quick chart, cast on, knit a few inches, scanned my knitting and sent of an email submission.
The request was for a hurry-up project, so when I didn't hear anything for a while, I figured that the editor had been submerged with proposals and that mine hadn't made the cut. Not too mention that it had been late. Oh, well.
Then I got the e-mail that my design had been accepted. Tentatively. Pending approval by the yarn company. OK, I thought. We'll see.
Time went by. Finally, another tentative approval. Still waiting on publisher, yarn company, something.
More time. Another email, this time asking for an address to send yarn. Maybe this was going to happen after all.
Days. Trips to the mail box. Looking for the UPS truck. Nothing.
Email - 'some of you have gotten your yarn' and 'deadline - ASAP'. Well, what about me?
Late that afternoon: UPS truck stops outside gate. I was at the computer or I never would have known that he was there. Gate is locked. Grabbed keys, sandals, ran to gate. Just caught the driver. Opened package - yarn for Just Socks!
This was Thursday. Thursday afternoon. 4th of July long weekend.
So...I got the finished two (2) pair (one men's) in the mail today. Priority mail. To be photoshot next week.
I can't wait to see the book! Everybody buy it, now. Well, not now, when it comes out in the fall. Remember, Just Socks!
Check out the editor's website - I'll bet you've seen her other books! She's been super about the whole thing, delays (not her fault) and all.