Lace top finished!

Well, not me, exactly, the top. It's finished! I wore it to the big sale at my LYS, Village Wools on Saturday. Scout gave me lots of praise for the design and suggested I submit it to Interweave. She even called over several others from the shop to check it out and they commented positively as well. I went out of there walking on air - nothing like a little ego-stroking to build confidence.
Look at those handsfists
in the pic - can you tell I've had the headache from hell for days now? Now look at the mess I made later that day -
Uh, where's the spindle? Welllll...I'd filled it up. Bethe had said to come and get another spindle, but I was too lazy/cheap to drive to Edgewood, so I Looked In A Book. Said book instructed to slide the spun yarn off the spindle and onto a spike. I found an appropriate knitting needle to use as a spike and proceeded to slide the yarn. Except it didn't slide. Uh, there's a hook on the end of the spindle, of course it won't slide. Only it wouldn't go back to where it started, either. I ended up, finally, after much struggling, cutting my first spun yarn off the spindle and here is where it ended up (see above). The Man Of The House very wisely remained in another room while this disaster took place.
I have since moved my first spun yarn from the floor to the trash. And out of the trash to any empty spot on the shelf in my office/studio. Where it's looking at me. I could attempt to untangle it. Maybe I could untwist some of the ends and twist them back together. Perhaps I could salvage some of this, my first spun yarn. Or maybe it's a lesson in letting go. Maybe it just belongs in the trash.
The same headache that I'll blame for this disaster is keeping me from making a decision already. Later...
Thanks, Scout! I'm still working on getting your button to show.
See! It's beautiful!!
Thank you, lilkitties. I will be publishing this design and most of the others as well. Keep checking back - I'm working on formatting and hope to have the tech stuff sorted out soon!
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